Tell me why I was walking around all day with dog pee on my white jacket. I'll tell you why because my dumb, crack headed, rat faced chihuahua peed on it yesterday. All this morning I was like "What is that smell, it smells like pee". The come second period (Global Studies) I look on my right sleeve and there's a big yellow stain and it smells like pee. I am soo mad right now. I feel like I'm at the bottom of a pit and i can't get myself out (to top it off no one lends a hand). So I told one of my trust worthy friends (at least I thought so) and she and her big mouth practilly told every human soul on earth. Not saying like she actually told people but she kept saying "DON'T touch ME you have PISS on your ARM". I feel so alone. Man I hate school. But hey you know what typing this made me feel a whole lot better (lets out a deep breath). So nice. Thanx blogger.
Is your life as sucky as mine?(really I doubts it)
I feel like a baby just covered in pee
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